"Seize the day. Make your lives extraordinary."

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

The dawn of a new day

Last night was my last night of rehearsal as an official member of my local youth string ensemble. I will have reached the age limit for membership next month. I will also be graduating school.

There's going to be a lot of changes taking place, a lot of decisions to make. We always know these times will be coming, but when they do, the size of the world can be really intimidating.

It's true, you've got to sober up a bit. You can't spend your entire day sitting at the computer and attempting to write an epic fantasy like you want. You can't just vegetate on the couch. You've got to get moving.
But that doesn't have to be a bad thing.

Growing up isn't going to jail.
Growing up is stepping out into the wide world to set off an unpredictable adventure. It may be a great and terrible quest, it might leave you crawling along, it might end up being more than you ever wished for.
The point is, you're going somewhere.
One time someone asked why I was going to do something that would take me away from home and possibly keep me away for sometime, and the only way I could think to reply was:
"Because I don't want to stagnate."

We all have a choice in this. We can chose to be children in adult bodies (and drive our parents insane) or we can stride forward to meet our adventures. Stagnation or migration. Guess which one will benefit you in the long run.

You can greet your life like Bilbo or Frodo Baggins, stumbling at a break-neck pace or firmly resolved. Either way, you'll be moving.

Of course it will be scary! Hardly anything in life isn't scary! Even when we don't realize it!

 Growing up isn't about chaining yourself to a desk. It's about opening your wings. All the safety nets are gone. You've got only your wits, skills, friends, and God's grace to get you to the other side of the chasm. But enjoy the view while your flying, won't you?

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