Something I discovered while looking up a subject for today's post: not a lot of happy things happened on May 30th.
That seems to be the way we remember a date, though. We don't specifically remember the date of when a good thing happened, but we always remember when the bad things did. Maybe there's a reason for this. We always remember the bad things, but we associate them with something specific, like a date or a person or an environment. BUT there's something special about good memories. You can remember them forever, and you don't have to be in a certain environment, or at a certain time, or with someone or any of that to remember. You can remember them just by looking for them, and just one little second of a happy moment can drive off a whole hour of depression, fear, loneliness and sadness.
So let's take a moment to appreciate the happy times.The laughter with friends, a funny accident, a movie that made you smile, the exhilaration of seeing your fictional heroes battle their foes, the elation of winning, puppies trundling, and morning glories in the sunlit dew.
And let's also take time to appreciate ice-cream and Finding Nemo, because the ice-cream freezer and Finding Nemo were released to the public on this day.
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