"Seize the day. Make your lives extraordinary."

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

President Postings

What with the whole kerfuffle over this year's elections, I thought I'd just put up some fun about some of our former presidents and politicians to liven up the day.

(Comment on your favorite president!)

George Washington
                     - Had a pack of hunting dogs with names ranging from Captain to Cloe to Sweet Lips
                     - Found several bullet-holes in his coat after a battle, yet didn't have a scratch on himself
                     - Once called a truce during a battle to return British General Howe's dog to him after it                          wandered across the patriot lines
                     - Once accepted a bet from a cocky aide-de-camp to see who could leap their horse over                        a tall hedge. He allowed the aide to jump his horse first, then rode around the edge of                            the brush to give a few 'kind' words to the man sitting on his horse, belly-deep in mud
                     - Was an active fireman even in his old age
                     - Hated to be announced boldly in public
                     - Accidentally caused the death of his mother's sorrel stallion one morning before                                    breakfast by over-exerting it when he was trying to break it in and refused to be bucked                        off

John Adams
                  - While on a diplomatic mission in France, accidentally sent some pages of his diary to the                      Continental Congress, which stopped it's operations to read them aloud and laugh at him
                  - Regretted the American protest of the tea tax by boycott, as he was very fond of tea

John Quincy Adams
                  - Was given a pet alligator by Lafayette (as a re-gift)

Thomas Jefferson
                   - Played the violin
                   - Once drove away two young suitors for the hand of his future wife by being first in her                         parlor one day and playing said violin. The two other suitors admitted that it would be                         better to go home than attempt to compete with him
                   - Was the most multilingual of all the presidents, speaking six languages and studying                             three
                   - Was very educated, being a world traveller, and thus knew that tomatoes weren't                                   poisonous while his fellow Americans thought they were, and ate one in front of                                   everyone at a party without telling them otherwise
                   - Had an attack-sheep on his front lawn

Yeah, anyone can be president :)


1 comment:

  1. Yeah, he sounds cool. I should probably find some more books about him....
