"Seize the day. Make your lives extraordinary."

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Tuesday Weirdness

LolololDo you have a cat or a bunny? I don't know.:  
(alright, I've got to admit, that is CUTE)
(Ironically, I found that whilst listening to American Tail's 'There are no cats in America')
Speaking of America.....
 I AM C R Y I N G:

Thursday, April 20, 2017

April 20th

Today is high-five day, so high-five someone if you can (not in the face, please. You're aiming too high).

It's also the day when Cartier began his voyage to Canada, so of course, here's a Canada meme:

Wow. Everyone jokes about Canada, but Canada just trolls us right back.:

Also today is the day when Robert E. Lee resigned from the United States Army so that he could command the confederate army in defense of his home state of Virginia, and as I was just watching the movie 'Gods and Generals' a couple days ago, which includes this event, I'm just gonna put a little bit of that on here.

Lee *after being offered the position of general of the union army*:"General, my home is right there across the Potomac. Why, you can see Arlington house from your front door. My family is spread all over this part of Virginia. If you invade the south, your enemy territory will be there, right across that river."
Mr. Blair: "Well, sir, there is no great outcry for session in Virginia. It's not a full conclusion that Virginia, or Tenesse, or Arkansas, or Kentucky will join the rebellion!"
Lee: "My friend, I may humbly submit that you are mistaken about Virginia. As you know the legislature is convening in Richmond this very day to discuss the very issue of session. Now, perhaps you know their mind better than they themselves. And I regret to say the president's hasty calling of seventy-five thousand volunteers to subdue the rebellion in the cotton-states has done nothing to ameliorate the crisis. It has only deepened it."
Blair: "I trust you're not being too hasty yourself, colonel. This is a great opportunity for you to serve your country."
Lee: "My country, Mr. Blair? I never thought I'd live to see the day that a president of the United States would raise an army to invade his own country. No, Mr. Blair. I cannot lead it. I will not lead it."
Blair: "I'm sorry to hear you say that sir. I fear you're making a most dreadful mistake."
Lee *stands up*: "Sir, would you please convey my deepest sense of honor and gratitude to the president, but I must decline his offer. Please tell him - please be clear - I have never taken my duties lightly, but I have no greater duty than to my home. To Virginia."

And Lee is just a really cool historical figure, so I'm gonna put some of his quotes up here as well.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Thomas Jefferson's Birthday

 I'm Jefferson:  
- Had his bed positioned in the middle of a doorway, so half was in the bedroom, half was in the office.
- Had a collection of 6,500+ books that he sold to the library of congress after it was ransacked, then used the money to buy more books.
- Was a huge fan of French cuisine.
- Was an architect, a musician, writer, astronomer, wine expert, paleontologist, economist, surgeon, and translator.
- Could speak four languages and read six.
- Upon hearing that his family's house had burned to the ground (at age 27) his first question was: "Were my books saved?"
- Courted his wife with his violinist skills (he was the only violinist in his old neighborhood.)
- Once walked into an inn in a rather bedraggled state, was denied a room, and promptly went to another inn to get a room. When the former innkeeper found out that he had denied a room to the vice-president, he immediately sent a messenger inviting him back to the best that could be offered. Jefferson denied flatly.
- He was 33 when he wrote the Declaration of Independence. 
- Owned a mastodon skeleton.
- Brought vanilla ice cream to America.
- Had an attack sheep on the front lawn of the White House, which he described as a "abominable animal".

#quote for #inspiration  Possibly not actually by Jefferson - but the sentiment is good, nonetheless.:

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Stuff that made me laugh today

Knee Appalling Tan Flavor:

"You're not like other girls.":  

I feel like that'd be creepy tho knowing that aliens can take different forms so liked they'd take you back to earth and you'd question who's an alien and who's not:

(I was expecting a Tom Hiddleston in there somewhere too (for logic reasons) but those all work, sure)

i laughed WAY too hard at this:
 Don't... don't trust them. It's impossible for someone to have that much self control. I don't care who they are.:  : Thanks IKEA // funny pictures - funny photos - funny images - funny pics - funny quotes - #lol #humor #funnypictures:

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Why do we have weird holidays?

I was looking for an obscure holiday to base today's post on and I realized: we have some really weird holidays. I mean, why do we have them? Why do we have a day to celebrate walking around things, or Cordon Bleu? Is it because someone was bored, or someone REALLY loved those things, or was it because someone decided we needed to celebrate something every day?

Well, I agree with the last statement. But we've already got it.

The world exists. We have air to breathe. Our blood continues to flow. The insects crawl, the birds fly, the mammals eat. The water cycle goes on. We have emotions, we have souls, we have seperate personalities that are always different.

God cared to make an entire universe and keeps it and cares for it every single day without fail. There hasn't been a day He's taken a day off. God doesn't take days off. Not even with you. Yes, you, yourself. God has always got his eyes and hands on you. He's got your path ready. No matter what you do, He'll be there with a path. No matter what we do, we can't escape Him. And isn't that amazing, that there's someone who is absolutely ALWAYS there and loves us and is watching over us? Someone who will never leave us nor forsake us? Someone who conquered death and evil itself to open the door for us to reach Him?

That's something we can truly celebrate every day.