"Seize the day. Make your lives extraordinary."

Monday, November 13, 2017

Today is: World Kindness Day!


                  To everyone who has saved a life by just being kind, whether they realized it or not,
                                                                      Thank you.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Translation Day

Translation is an interesting subject. So many languages. So many styles of grammar. Have you ever just paused for a moment and considered the way you speak? The accent you have, the phrases you use? It's so unique! But even more unique is the words you can say. Our spoken words illustrate our thoughts, and nobody thinks the exact same way as anyone else. You can agree with others, but no one will explain it or understand things the way you do.

But let's face facts, translation can also have some hilarious  mess-ups, so I just had to put these up here too beside the sentimental stuff :)

Monday, September 11, 2017

No news is good news day.

No news is good news, so here, geek out.

(Thank you, whoever drew this. It is beautiful :) )

And last but certainly not least,


Monday, September 4, 2017

Wildlife Day

So today's wildlife day, and I really like the wildlife too, I'm just not going to go on a huge environmental rant (because of reasons) (and how come we never pronounce the middle 'n' in 'environmental'?), I'm just gonna put these pictures I found up here :)

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Of Planes, Photography, Potatoes, and Breaking the Monotomy

It's national Aviation day, Photography day, and Potato day, so I'm just gonna throw these on here. It's also 'Break the Monotomy Day' so a couple weird stuff may show up as well....

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Protectors Post

This one goes out to all the protectors, big and small. You may have saved someone's life today and never even realized it. Thank you from all the little guys.